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Preventing Bad Breath
We all have bad breath from time to time but consistent mouth odour can mean something more serious is going on with us. Halitosis, also known as bad breath is a condition that can have multiple causes and therefore it is important to get to the bottom of it so that we can treat it or prevent it from happening.
Most bad breath is due to a build up of odorous volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) and it can be caused intraoral or extraoral.
Certain causes of bad breath:
· Eating and drinking habits – People who tend to eat high-sulfur foods such as garlic or onions. Plus, those who consume alcohol, coffee and smoke.
· Illness – Halitosis can be an early warning sign for certain medical conditions.
· Dry mouth (Xerostomia) – Decreased saliva production in your mouth can often result in higher levels of VSCs. This is the reason we all experience “morning breath” as our saliva production slows while we sleep.
· Imbalance of intraoral bacteria – Our mouth is a community of good bacteria known as oral microbiome. However, when an imbalance occurs, bad bacteria can multiply and start causing havoc. The imbalance can lead to bad breath, cavities and gum disease.
Don’t despair! There are several ways you can prevent bad breath.
Tips to prevent bad breath:
· Brush your teeth properly twice a day. Plus, don’t forget to floss and clean your tongue.
· Adjust your diet and try and consume fibre rich foods like raw fruits and vegetables.
· Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
· Give your mind, body and mouth the attention it deserves.
oral health information
Understanding the connection between alcohol consumption and dry mouth.